Brother-in-law, youngest nephew, and I went to Cuyuna over labor day weekend. It was awesome. I managed to fall because I went into a turn to fast and in a panic, I locked up the front wheel. Just some scrapes, bruises, damaged pride, a bent rear brake rotor, and rear pads full of the red dirt up there. I’ve already replaced the pads & rotor because they were trashed due to the dirt. I have yet to wash off my bike, but I will one of these days. I think the skills part was my favorite part of the ride, even though I did mage to go down one of the landing ramps on the jump line on my front tire due to a bad bounce. Oh well, can’t wait to do it again. Maybe next year I’ll even remember my cheap action cam. I am also happy to say that my derailleur adjustment held up so I am more confident doing it in the future.

Sep 14 2020
Brother-in-law, youngest nephew, and I went to Cuyuna over labor day weekend. It was awesome. I managed to fall because I went into a turn to fast and in a panic, I locked up the front wheel. Just some scrapes, bruises, damaged pride, a bent rear brake rotor, and rear pads full of the red dirt up there. I’ve already replaced the pads & rotor because they were trashed due to the dirt. I have yet to wash off my bike, but I will one of these days. I think the skills part was my favorite part of the ride, even though I did mage to go down one of the landing ramps on the jump line on my front tire due to a bad bounce. Oh well, can’t wait to do it again. Maybe next year I’ll even remember my cheap action cam. I am also happy to say that my derailleur adjustment held up so I am more confident doing it in the future.
By Shaun • biking 0